Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Concrete Foundation Repair - Protect Your Investment

concrete repairing of foundation slabs & subfloors...

Concrete repair, steel reinforced in-fill, and self leveling underlayment and topping systems are ideal for the repair of damaged foundation slabs and subfloors. This concrete repair technique is accomplished through the utilization of a high strength, self leveling cement topping that is applied to the uneven substrate.

This floor leveling technique provides a strong, flat and level foundation for new flooring, such as hardwood, tile, laminate flooring or carpet. Concrete repair by way of the underlayment system avoids the unnecessary expense of complete slab removal and replacement, saving time and money for our clients.

Concrete resurfacing with Covalt topping systems penetrate through the open capillary allowing for a complete seal. These renowned types of self leveling products are superior to any other subfloor repair system. Often saving thousands of dollars for builders and homeowners alike, the foundation floor repair is accomplished in a fraction of the amount of time compared to other floor replacement methods. Covalt Floor Leveling, (949) 496-3528